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Why Does The White Color Gym Turf Get Yellow, Pink Or Tan? How To Solve This Problem?

Views: 12     Author: Daria From Grace Grass     Publish Time: 2024-07-31      Origin: Site

Discoloration of white synthetic gym turf, often turning yellow, pink or tan, is a common issue in the polymer industry. This phenomenon, also known as yellowing, pinking, or gas fading, primarily results from the oxidation of phenolic antioxidants within the polyethylene used in synthetic turf.

Causes of Discoloration

1. Auto-Oxidation of Antioxidants: 

Manufacturers add phenolic antioxidants to polyethylene to protect and stabilize the polymer during production and use. However, these antioxidants can oxidize over time, leading to a change in color. This process is purely cosmetic and does not affect the material's physical properties.

2. Atmospheric Pollutants: 

High levels of atmospheric pollutants, particularly nitrogen oxides (NOx), significantly contribute to the discoloration. These pollutants are commonly found in exhaust gases from vehicles, forklifts, and heaters in warehouses. NOx exposure can cause the white synthetic turf to develop a yellowish tint, a process known as gas fading.

3. Packaging and Material Composition:

Inappropriate packaging or incorrect material composition can also lead to discoloration. Ensuring proper handling and quality control during manufacturing can help minimize these issues.

Solutions to Discoloration

To address and reverse the discoloration of white synthetic gym turf, the following solutions are effective:

1. UV Light Exposure: 

Exposing the discolored turf to UV light (sunlight) can help eliminate the yellow, pink or tan tint. UV light breaks down the oxidized phenolic antioxidants, restoring the synthetic turf's original white color. This method is particularly useful for outdoor installations.

2. Pre-Installation Sunlight Exposure: 

For white gym turf intended for indoor use, exposing the gym turf to sunlight before installation can prevent discoloration. This pre-treatment ensures that any potential yellowing is addressed before the turf is laid down.

Practical Tips

Outdoor Applications:

Install the synthetic turf in an area with ample sunlight. Over time, the natural UV exposure will help maintain the gym turf's white appearance.

Indoor Applications:

Before installing the gym turf indoors, place it in direct sunlight for a few days. This proactive measure will reduce the risk of yellowing once the turf is in place.


Regularly clean and maintain the turf to prevent the buildup of pollutants that can cause discoloration. Proper care will extend the life and appearance of the white synthetic turf.

By understanding the causes and solutions for the discoloration of white synthetic turf, users can ensure their installations remain visually appealing and vibrant. UV light exposure, whether before or after installation, is a key strategy in maintaining the pristine appearance of synthetic turf, making it a reliable choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Here are two photos showing the comparison of the yellowed white gym turf before and after sun exposure. After 6 hours of sunlight, the yellow tint disappeared.

Gym Turf Discoloration

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